Sonnet for Guy Coté

Sonnet for Guy Coté
Frelighsburg 1994

He calls me up at six o’clock to tell me
we’re in the clear, the CPTAQ

did acknowledge our first letter. Whew.
Six AM we’re talking. Up since three

with one of his beautiful ideas
of mountains & governments & the clerks in between
each with need to be seen or to be unseen,
the whole web glittering before his eyes –

so I take the cordless to a warm round chair
& yawn and listen & yawn then really listen
first to the clarity of his form, and then
because it’s really happening out there

to the heart of the mountain both of us hear,
we discuss what we can do today for her.

Richard Sommer
Poet (1934-2012)

Richard Sommer a été le président de l’Association pour la conservation du Mont Pinacle.

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